1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124
| -- 创建键空间 CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS astronomy WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3};
-- 使用键空间 USE astronomy;
-- 创建行星列族 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS planets ( planet_id uuid PRIMARY KEY, name text, distance_from_sun bigint, -- 以千米为单位 diameter bigint -- 以千米为单位 );
-- 创建恒星列族 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stars ( star_id uuid PRIMARY KEY, name text, distance_from_earth bigint, -- 以光年为单位 type text );
-- 创建恒星列族 CREATE TABLE stats ( star_id uuid PRIMARY KEY, name text, distance_from_earth bigint, -- 以光年为单位 type text );
-- 向 `planets` 表格插入数据 INSERT INTO planets (planet_id, name, distance_from_earth, diameter) VALUES (uuid(), 'Earth', 149600000, 12742); INSERT INTO planets (planet_id, name, distance_from_earth, diameter) VALUES (uuid(), 'Mars', 227940000, 6779);
-- 向 `stars` 表格插入数据 INSERT INTO stars (star_id, name, distance_from_earth, type) VALUES (uuid(), 'Sun', 10, 'G2V'); INSERT INTO stars (star_id, name, distance_from_earth, type) VALUES (uuid(), 'Proxima Centauri', 424, 'M5.5Ve');
-- 添加行星数据 INSERT INTO planets (planet_id, name, distance_from_sun, diameter) VALUES (uuid(), 'Earth', 149600000, 12742);
-- 修改行星数据 UPDATE planets SET distance_from_sun = 149597870 WHERE name = 'Earth';
-- 删除行星数据 DELETE FROM planets WHERE name = 'Mars'; -- 假设我们先前添加了火星
-- 同样地,对恒星数据进行操作 INSERT INTO stars (star_id, name, distance_from_earth, type) VALUES (uuid(), 'Sun', 0, 'G2V');
-- 展示所有行星 SELECT * FROM planets;
-- 展示所有恒星 SELECT * FROM stars;
-- 为恒星类型创建索引 CREATE INDEX ON stars (type);
-- 查询特定类型的所有恒星 SELECT * FROM stars WHERE type = 'G2V' ALLOW FILTERING;
-- 查询特定类型的所有恒星 SELECT * FROM stars WHERE type = 'G2V' ALLOW FILTERING;
-- 选择特定列 SELECT name, distance_from_sun FROM planets WHERE name = 'Earth';
-- 投影操作实际上是选择特定的列,所以上面的查询同时展示了选择和投影
-- 使用标量函数 now SELECT name, distance_from_sun * 0.621 FROM planets;
-- 聚合函数(假设有多个行星数据)min max avg sum count SELECT COUNT(*) FROM planets;
-- 添加一条带TTL的记录 INSERT INTO planets (planet_id, name, distance_from_sun, diameter) VALUES (uuid(), 'Temporary Planet', 100000000, 12345) USING TTL 30;
-- 查看记录(需在30秒内) SELECT * FROM planets WHERE name = 'Temporary Planet';
-- 清除表格 TRUNCATE planets;
-- 删除表格 索引 DROP TABLE planets; DROP INDEX stars_type_idx;
-- 批量执行 BEGIN BATCH INSERT INTO planets (planet_id, name, distance_from_sun, diameter) VALUES (uuid(), 'Mars', 227940000, 6779); INSERT INTO stars (star_id, name, distance_from_earth, type) VALUES (uuid(), 'Alpha Centauri', 437, 'G2V'); APPLY BATCH;
-- 物化视图 CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW stars_by_type AS SELECT * FROM stars WHERE type IS NOT NULL AND star_id IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (type, star_id);
-- 更新数据(如果存在) UPDATE planets SET diameter = 12345 WHERE name = 'Earth' IF EXISTS;
-- 删除数据(如果满足条件) DELETE FROM planets WHERE name = 'Mars' IF diameter = 6779;